Sunday, September 27, 2020

Let's Persevere!!!


You, the amazing man of my life

Somehow gladly made me his wife

Took me in my trying times

Loved me up and helped me align

You, my dear soul took great care of me

Your days are always full of such glee

Love never ending even on tough days

Our love is so strong it is such a blaze!!

You have such fun quirks I could not live without

My life without your eyes or touch I would have to shout!!

You truly bring me joy even when I tease you dear love

But being married to me is like living in Heaven above 🤣

You are my light on my darkest days 

My dark is internal but in come the rays!!!

Rays of joy and of cheer 

Straight from you, now let's persevere!! 

You are truly my one and only

Together forever-never to be lonely

We may swerve in and out of stages

Just gives us more to write on our pages

You are my knight and shining forever to eternity 

Please always open up to me keep nothing internally 

You and I were made for this true love we found

Let's not ever think of letting one another down!!! 

Adore you my angelic one!!! 

Year 13!!!! Add 5 for dating!! We rock!!! 

Thru everything we can hold tight thru the storm!!! 

I love you!! No matter where we live!!! hahahaha!!!!!!



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